Kids learn through play. Creating a playroom for your toddler is a great way to encourage learning in addition to fun. A toddler playroom doesn't have to be elaborate but it should have some basic elements and be a safe environment for your child and his or her playmates.
Toddler playrooms should include a mix of educational and fun toys as well as tools for creative expression and imaginary play. Young kids also need quiet time for reading and relaxing.
Bookcase With Storage Bins
Consider warmth and comfort when planning a playroom for a toddler. Kids of this age can greatly benefit from things that nurture like soft and cozy bean bags, kids armchairs, blankets and stuffed animals. Such things also help to make the room safe if your child is active or if a couple of playmates start to play rough.
Creating such an environment also provides a safe haven for when your child is tired or upset. While a bedroom can also be a safe haven, a shared bedroom may not offer the comfort and relaxation a cozy toddler playroom could.
Colors and shapes are age appropriate for toddlers and are a natural precursor to numbers and letters. Consider using peel and stick wall decals of colors and shapes around the room. A fun idea would be use colorful wall dots and chalkboard decals in various shapes and sizes. You can easily update the look of your child's playroom for little cost with new stickers of wall letters and numbers or favorite characters as he grows.
While bold and bright colors are fun, too much color and too many patterns can be overwhelming for a young child. Aim for a balance of color with one main paint color and one or two accent colors.
A sensory table featuring water, sand, rice, oatmeal or flour is a great idea for a toddler playroom. You can mix things up - use it as a water play table one day and a sand table the next.
Age appropriate books and toys are great as is making them easily accessible on the bottom shelf of a shelving unit or bookcase. Speaking of shelving units and bookcases, make sure they are secured to the wall so they don't fall on your child. I remember my son as a toddler - he climbed on everything!
Store like things together in bins or baskets. Label the bins with photos or illustrations so your child knows that his building blocks go in one bin and his cars and trucks go another.
An art easel for drawing and painting as well as an activity surface like a play table where your child can do puzzles and use play dough is another good addition to a child's playroom.
Finally hands-on activities are one of the best ways for young kids to learn. So in addition to learning colors, shapes, letters, and numbers let your child be imaginative and have fun painting, coloring, playing with blocks, sand etc.